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Complete the puzzle
and see video from location
Drone motiver fra Danmark
Drone motives from Denmark
Lærerigt og afslappende
Educational and great relaxation

All motives in the series Lillebælt:

Lillebælt værftet
Little Belt Shipyard
Den Gamle Lillebæltsbro
The Old Little Belt Bridge
Den Gamle Bydel
The old part of town

Køb dit foretrukne motiv hos!

Buy your favorite motive here!
  • Format/size: B2 (707×500 mm)
  • Number of pieces: 1.000
  • Photo by: Ulrik Max Nielsen
  • Produced by: Dansk Drone Netværk
Scan koden og oplev historien bag motivet!
Scan the code through your phone
camera and discovery what's behind the motive